Media Links for all VTS Services

Click on the like for the shows that the Double Broker Bounty Hunter appears in and follow the journey to fight scammers in the transportation industry.

DBBH’s Stop the Scam!

Fraud Prevention Series

Join the DBBH (John Cantera) and Dispatch Kate (Katelyn Price) as they survey the battlefield between the Transportation Industry and Bad Brokers.  

Double Broker Bounty Hunter:  Complete Collection

The DBBH YouTube Channel

The single source for the DBBH’s shows and guest appearances.

Truckers Independent Broadcasting Network

TIBN:  The Independent Truckers

The Logistics Lounge

The Logistics Lounge Channel

This series is a discussion group of freight brokers dealing with issues in the industry.  

More Than A Broker

Industry Podcast by Spot Inc

Episode Regarding Fraud in the Industry